Landscape Construction & Enhancements
A great design is only as good as its installation. It’s a common misconception that installing a plant is as simple as digging a hole, throwing in the plant, covering it up dirt, then adding little fertilizer and water. This approach results in overlooking important details.
At Crawford, we understand these differences and are committed to doing things the right way. Because we often maintain the landscaping once installed, we know first hand what happens when landscape materials are installed incorrectly.
Some important details of a good installation include:
Proper plant, flower, tree, palm and sod identification and placement (right plant, right place)
Proper planting techniques, such as plant depth and width, root ball scarification and watering in to prevent air pockets
Proper soil amendments to promote root establishment and growth
Proper staking to stabilize without damaging
Proper plant purchasing from reputable nurseries and growers who provide quality plants, flowers, trees and palms.
Small alterations can increase your property value
Clients can add colorful annuals and perennials, or change landscape topography with small alterations. These compact yet dynamic renovations change the aesthetics of the landscape and may increase the value of the property.
Designers at Crawford Landscaping will provide you a conceptualized drawing of your future landscape enhancements on‐time and on‐budget.
“We practice accountability with all members of our team. We are results oriented and our high-quality services increase the value of any landscape
investment. ”